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William Burt
生于 United States
29 years
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judy mother February 23, 2013
Will was a head strong man with the biggest heart in the world he loved his family and tried to keep everyone happy. He was the best of the best and everyone that knew him will love him 4ever. My heart is broken right now but i no my son is at peace and love dearly   THANK YOU all for the kind words and love you have shown for my baby may GOD and WILL look down on all with only love and peace  i love you son with all my heart now and 4ever  LOVE and PEACE always
myrna perry Cousin February 22, 2013
I remember when my grandbaby was born and we got her crib thinking it was a regular size box and bed to tie to the car but it turns into a toddler bed, and it was huge, bigger than my lil ca LOL. Will drove all the way to Falls Church to pick up my crib and way over to woodbridge wouldnt take money or nothing. He did things from his heart and didnt want nothing in return. He had such good heart and has left such fond memerories with everyone. He will truely be missed by us all.
I will miss you babe,
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